Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Integrate Kafka with Spark for consuming streaming data

 Learn the method to integrate Kafka with Spark for consuming streaming data and discover how to unleash your streaming analytics needs.
Kafka is a messaging broker system that facilitates the passing of messages between producer and consumer. On the other hand, Spark Structure streaming consumes static and streaming data from various sources (like Kafka, Flume, Twitter, etc.) that can be processed and analyzed using a high-level algorithm for Machine Learning and pushes the result out to an external storage system. The main advantage of structured streaming is to get continuous incrementing of the result as the streaming data continue to arrive.
Kafka has its own stream library and is best for transforming Kafka topic-to-topic whereas Spark streaming can be integrated with almost any type of system. For more detail, you can refer to this blog.
In this blog, I’ll cover an end-to-end integration of Kafka with Spark structured streaming by creating Kafka as a source and Spark structured streaming as a sink.
Let’s create a Maven project and add following dependencies in pom.xml.

Now, we will be creating a Kafka producer that produces messages and pushes them to the topic. The consumer will be the Spark structured streaming DataFrame.
First, setting the properties for the Kafka producer.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Where is Artificial Intelligence headed next?

Where is Artificial Intelligence headed next? Deep Learning has been in front position, but which technique will generate the next wave?

Almost everything you hear about artificial intelligence today is thanks to deep learning. This category of algorithms works by using statistics to find patterns in data, and it has proved immensely powerful in mimicking human skills such as our ability to see and hear. To a very narrow extent, it can even emulate our ability to reason. These capabilities power Google’s search, Facebook’s news feed, and Netflix’s recommendation engine—and are transforming industries like health care and education.

But though deep learning has singlehandedly thrust AI into the public eye, it represents just a small blip in the history of humanity’s quest to replicate our own intelligence. It’s been at the forefront of that effort for less than 10 years. When you zoom out on the whole history of the field, it’s easy to realize that it could soon be on its way out.…/we-analyzed-16625-paper…/